The Pecularium is a small sci-fi and horror museum and gallery in Northwest Portland, established in 1972. It takes about 30 minutes to view the quirky exhibits in two rooms and a corridor, with plenty of fabulous photo opportunities, free popcorn, and a fun gift shop!
Highlights include a photo-op with Bigfoot, dangling off the side of a New York skyscraper, and an alien autopsy!
Check tickets and hours. Metered parking is available on the surrounding streets.
Address: 2234 Northwest Thurman Street, Portland 97210.

5 best things to do at the Freakybuttrue Pecularium
1. Get operated on by aliens.

2. Hang off the side of a New York skyscraper.

3. Check out a vampire hunter's vampire killing kit from the 1890s.

4. Take a photo with Bigfoot!

5. Encounter weird and wonderful creatures.

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